Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm in Kenya!

I thought that I wouldn't be able to post on the blog, but it turns out that I can. The house where I'm staying has WiFi. I was telling Bill that I pretty much forgot what that even was... Anyway, already some exciting things: We drove to Nakuru this morning which is east and slightly north of Nairobi. The car ride was actually great and our driver was safe. The city of Nairobi is quite nice, but I think that I didn't get to see the really rough parts. Nairobi is home to the largest slum in the world.

The trip itself was nice. We went through a landscape that was similar to a high altitude landscape in the US. Evergreen trees in particular. There are a couple of things that are different. Here they have carts drawn by donkeys. I've haven't been able to get a picture of one yet, but I'm hopeful.

Nakuru is located in the floor of the Rift Valley, and for a while we were driving along the escarpment and could look down into the valley and see volcanoes, craters, geysers, lakes, and the valley floor itself. I've already seen baboons, zebras, and gazelles. I've got some really good shots of the zebras and baboons. I could see flamingos from a distance in the lakes, so hopefully that is another thing that I will get to see up close. I've already bought some earrings made of flamingo feathers.

I've enjoyed talking to Bill a great deal and seeing him again. It's been about three years, and so much has happened in that time. As always, he is continuously encouraging of what I'm doing and has good insight into the difficulties I face and the challenge of the decisions that I'm trying to make.

All in all I'm so excited to be here. People are excited that the recent vote on the constitution has gone well and maybe that is why people seem so cheerful. I think it will benefit the average people a great deal. There has been a dispute over land that was acquired unfairly in the past, and I think it will resolve some of those issues. Along the way, we stopped at a mission clinic to drop off some medications, everything seemed fairly clean and well managed. There are so many similarities between Kenya and Uganda, but in a lot of ways Kenya seems to be a bit better off. It may be that I just haven't spent enough time here.

The landscape looks just like it does in the documentaries. I think tomorrow we will go to church and then go on a safari. I'm crossing my fingers for a giraffe and a lion. I keep hearing the Lion King theme song playing in my head while I pray. I think it adds flair.

P.S. I just heard someone say "hakuna matata".

1 comment:

  1. Ginger - it sounds wonderful - I guess disney isn't all bad. You do learn some things from those movies. I may have to pull out the lion king and watch it. All is well here. I was in Baton Rouge yesterday to help Katie move in to the house. She seems excited and ready to get back to school. Nanny Ann and I ran in a 2 mile fun run amongst hot air balloons. I ran the whole way and had a ten minute mile which is good for me. My knees are feeling pretty good today. I am back home and plan to take it easy today. Christopher starts school this week. I think he is nervous. I am glad you are spending time with Bill. I know that he will give you the support and objective opinions you need to make your decisions. You have done so much at such a young age. Be aware of that. Have a great trip. Love and Miss you. Can't wait to see you. Love Mom
